Tennis Rules
Tennis Racket Information
Greetings Hobson West residents,
We are ready for Tennis Lessons 2024!
Coach Daniel will be returning this summer.
There will be two sessions:
Session I June 3 – June 28 (8 lesson days)
Session II July 1 – July 28 (no lessons 7/3, 7/4) (7 lesson days)

**We will be doing ON-LINE registrations again this year.
-If you are not registered with us please contact or for assistance.
-Non-Resident Swim members should already be listed.
-Non Residents will need to contact Membership or for assistance.
Registration for both sessions will be open Monday, April 15, and will be taken until the session begis.
Hobson West residents will be given first priority.
1st Hobson West Residents:
2nd Non-Resident Swim:
3rd Non-Residents:
Registration options are M/W or T/TH. This gives the best opportunity for all to participate.
As in the past, IF space allows, we will be able to open up to all four days, but it may not be possible for every age group.
Class size MAY be limited if necessary. Registrations will be accepted as they come in, so please register early. We will work on making adjustments for age groups that may have more than 14 youth per class choice.
**It is helpful that some people are flexible on days of the week, in case too many are choosing the same option. Thanks ahead of time for flexibility.
Class times will be the same as in the past for the various age groups.
***If this is the first time your child has joined our tennis lessons, please send Diane a phone number and email address, in case we need to reach you.
By signing up for any Tennis Lessons 2024, you agree to the following:
“I agree to abide by all rules established by Hobson West while on the premises.”
Bring WATER bottle to lessons. Other types of drinks are not allowed ON the courts.
All other court rules still apply. (proper shoes, no food, pets, etc.)
We will NOT have any make-up lessons for an absence due to personal reasons.
(i.e. No-shows, other commitments or conflicts, etc.) Make-up lessons will be for weather related delay or cancellations ONLY, (unless discussed with Director, Diane Bates), and at the time that Coach assigns. (Do NOT come to another class session for make-up unless arranged with Coach &/or Diane ahead of time.) Weather issues may require some classes to be postponed on any given day, and not the other classes. When possible, make-ups may be done later the same day or on Friday. There will be notification at the time of cancelation as to what your class will be doing. Planned vacation absences can be made up, but ONLY by informing us ahead of time. Please let Diane Bates know your vacation schedule, if known, via email:
*Again this year we MAY NOT be able to just go to a different day’s class for a make-up. We may have to have limitations due to the number of participants on the courts at one time.
Make-ups for absences that are not prearranged will not be guaranteed.
Questions?? Email me at
Call/Text: cell # 630-248-9820
Diane Bates 886 Appomattox Circle